
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

How many lines of java code does your workspace contain

Did you ever wonder how many lines of java code does your workspace have? Here a little program that can help you find out:

Class 1:

1:  package sample;  
2:  import;  
3:  import java.util.Scanner;  
4:  public class LinesOfCodeCounter {  
5:    private long linesOfCode;  
6:    private int scannedProjects;  
7:    public void analizeFolder(File file) {  
8:  //Check if the current file is a file or a folder  
9:      if (file.isDirectory()) {  
10:  //If it is a folder get the inner files  
11:        File[] filesInFolder = file.listFiles();  
12:  //For each of the inner files check if it is a folder or a file(Recursion)  
13:        for (File innerFile : filesInFolder) {  
14:          analizeFolder(innerFile);  
15:        }  
16:      } else if (file.isFile()) {  
17:  //When you find a file that is not a folder, check if it contains java code  
18:        if (file.getName().endsWith(".java")) {  
19:  //Scan the file  
20:          scanFile(file);  
21:        }  
22:      }  
23:    }  
24:    public void scanFile(File file) {  
25:      try {  
26:        Scanner fileScanner = new Scanner(file);  
27:  //Read each line of code  
28:        String tempDataHolder = fileScanner.nextLine();  
29:  //While the file contain lines of code count them  
30:        while (fileScanner.hasNext()) {  
31:          linesOfCode++;  
32:          tempDataHolder = fileScanner.nextLine();  
33:        }  
34:      } catch (Exception ex) {  
35:        ex.printStackTrace();  
36:      }  
37:    }  
38:    public long getLinesOfCode() {  
39:      return linesOfCode;  
40:    }  
41:  }  

Class 2:
1:  package sample;  
2:  import;  
3:  public class Main {  
4:    public static void main(String[] args) {  
5:      //The workspace root  
6:      final File workSpaceRoot = new File("D:\\JavaWorkspace");  
7:      //Check if the root contains files inside its self  
8:      LinesOfCodeCounter counter = new LinesOfCodeCounter();  
9:      counter.analizeFolder(workSpaceRoot);  
10:      System.out.print(counter.getLinesOfCode());  
11:    }    
12:  }  

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Clustering with Glassfish 3.1



 Here I use the command line to create a cluster in the application server Glassfish 3.1 and add 2 instances to it.
Once the cluster is created I deploy an enterprise application and run it in both instances.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

File realm & role based security with Glassfish 3.1

Here in this video you can see how i create a simple security realm that uses a file in a safe place in the app server to store the credentials. One thing i forgot was to show you how to logout :)
Don't worry is not very difficult, for that you can implement your own logout servlet to invalidate the session.
Here is some example of code for logging out:

1:  @WebServlet(name = "LogoutServlet", urlPatterns = {"/logout"})  
2:   public class LogoutServlet extends HttpServlet {  
3:   @Override  
4:   protected void service(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {  
5:    //Invalidates the session  
6:    request.getSession(false).invalidate();  
7:    // Redirects back to the initial page.  
8:    response.sendRedirect(request.getContextPath());  
9:   }  
10:   }  

Also here there is an image to show where can you enable HTTPS for the admin panel:

Note: The SSL certificate that comes with glassfish is expired that is the reason why you will see a warning message before you login.

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